Funny, quirky and vibrant, Alvin Quah is one of the most beloved contestants that came out of MasterChef Australia. Since appearing in the famed TV show, Alvin has hosted cooking shows, showcased his cooking prowess both nationally and internationally, and written articles featuring rich cultural stories and cuisines.
Alvin’s love for flavour extends beyond food. Known for his inimitable eyewear, Alvin is a champion of independent design. Now, armed with his love of storytelling, food and style, Alvin has found the perfect recipe to tell his story. Introducing ALVIN x NILOCA .
Alvin is delighted to collaborate with the boutique Australian industrial designer, bringing you the limited-edition collection of titanium frames.
Eight models in three colours – custard yellow, rempah-red brick and an uncommon shade of blue. The design is a nod to sophisticated eyewear and the exotic ingredients of South East Asia.